Its odd
when you acheive
yet are still behind
when people see not
the strides you have made
and they push you down
and try to hold
you back
but there are always
those few
who support you
stand behind you
next to you
encouraging you
loving you
I am one for you
be one for me
for if we all do so
the world will only
be a better place
Yours words have
no correlation
to the actions
which you take
you say such things
to make one beleive
then take that beleif
and rip it from
their hands
throw it to the ground
and grind it
into the ground
as if
to attempt to make
it never have existed
but I know
it did
and if you are my friend
I will take you to the mount
and challenge you
about it
for your own growth
but if you are not
a friend
I will grow to be one
and do the same
I will make you better
just as you will me
whether we like it
or not
If you say you are
my friend
whether I beleive it
or not
I will debate it
and if I dare to
tell you of your errs
of your blindness
if you are say
that you are my friend
I think I must
treat you as such
whether you want it
or not
its up to you
say it or not
have me or not
it up to you
They say
that knowledge
is power
ever though
that it could be
a burden?
that losing one's
is like
when Eve
bit the apple
and her eyes
were opened
to see the err
to see the beauty
can be a burden
unheard of by some
but to live with such
is a blessing
one must
look not only
at the positive
but the negative
to understand
to grow
to change
without the dark
there is no light
just like good and bad
two sides to every sword
both cut
and teach
knowledge is
not to be taken
the idea of north
to have set directions
a star to guide you
always there
to help
the lost
the idea of north
to provide direction
to freedom
from a system
of evil
the idea of north
the idea of south
the idea of east
the idea of west
the idea that all directions
too any place
that you could imagine
but know
thats not the end
theres always up
beyond the sky
beyond the stars
to your dreams
away from home
to places
of discomfort
of growth
of change
the idea of new
the idea of old
the concept
the reality
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