Tuesday, May 27, 2008

the people who are meant to see who you really are
be it loveliness or true grit and scars
they see it only if they were meant to
the people who do not understand you in the way you wish
were never meant to at all

Friday, May 02, 2008

one of my favorite things
is realizing how stupid things are
when you look back
how unimportant moments were
the minuscule impact they have now
or even looking at the behavior
of a group or an age
and knowing what you know now
about their actions
when you commit them

the only part about it
that i dont like
are when you realize that
you have been doing this
a long time
and you in turn
haven't had many
of those moments yourself

odd enough i guess
to somehow want moments
that later in life you wouldnt mind having been without

Thursday, May 01, 2008

i guess i never thought about it
ya know
having a different voice
not this one
not to say that it would be trained differently
or had different experiences
but to have just been born with
a different voice
or even odder
have had the voice i have now
and to have lost it
and had it replaced
by something that is not my voice
but still have it have had
the same experiences and training somehow
i guess i should thank my lucky stars for the one i got
and forsake the moments i hate it
because the moments that it is glorious
far outnumber the times it is not