Wednesday, August 22, 2007

that taught me so much
i showed me more than i imagined
ever possible
i was tired
sitting with new friends
in painstakingly
the best museum
because of its virtues
that its price was weightless
proving that
art is to be shared
and be to be viewed
by all
but most of all
i dont know
what means more
that i learned something
or that i was with you

Monday, August 20, 2007

into the woods
into the woods
running from things
coming to terms
the woods is what you
wish for it to be

have you ever noticed
the purpose the woods serve
for fairy tales
or for that matter
the secrets forests truly hold

what are the woods to you

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

I find myself in a questioning


i wonder truthfully
if to write beautifully
that i always must be troubles
cannot i not live purely
and write wondrous things
sing wondrous songs
anymore i find it hard to do anything well
when i am not living well
not every poet was depressed
not ever singer was lonely
i no longer believe that is how it must be
i can live well
and cleanly
and be all that i wish to be
write beautifully
sing wonderfully
live beyond words

Sunday, August 05, 2007

maybe we are ready for death
it is life that prepares us for a death
the lesson's taught ready us for their departure
could it be that the departure
is not only their time coming to a close
but the indication of the surrounding's
ability to continue without
without the one who has contributed before
it is a test to those left behind
asking them to grow
and teach themselves a lesson
remember it
time to change
time to love
cherish it
have you ever considered
that despite your growth
emotional range and intensity
that part of you may be jaded
unfeeling perhaps?
i question
that maybe
just maybe
i have removed myself from feeling loss with death
i cannot remember crying at a funeral
i mean 93 was a year to try to block from my mind
losing so many people
i was so young
i remember crying for leila
but i didnt cry for aunts

am i truly that well adjusted to it
accepting and moving on
or am i repressing things?

it was quite possibly the hardest thing i have witnessed
to watch one's two cousins cry
asking in tears
why their mother did this to herself
why didnt she stop

to say that my life is hard
is a lie
i have never experienced anything that can compare
to the loss of the person who brought you physically
into this world
the woman who raised you
instilled in you things
that you will never forget
a challenge to myself
to replicate moments
must be considered unfathomable
as i am always a constant for change
let alone anyone else
always growing
never the same person
not second to second
thereby making re-creation
i cannot guarantee myself
let alone the others involved
even the things that just occur around it

so here is to the future moments
to that maybe they will match or even surpass
the past's
knowing that i will grow
hoping that others will too
and hoping that things only get better
whether thats idealistic is not the point
but the concept is hope
and without hope
i have no reason to go on
i am very torn
i dont know whether to be angry
or sad
or refuse

should i make pointed statements
and pose pointed questions
or should i just be me
the person who will
forever hope
that you and i will reconcile this relationship
i would love push you borders
grow more with you
make you uncomfortable

please dont tell me that this is irreconcilable

the below is for you


Ave Mara, cuando sers ma
Si me quisieras, todo te dara
Ave Mara, cuando sers ma
Al mismo cielo, yo te llevara.

Dime tan solo una palabra
Que me devuelva la vida
Y se me quede en el alma
Porque sin ti no tengo nada
Envulveme con tus besos
refugiame en tu guarida

Y cuando te veo, no se lo siento
Y cuando te siento, me quemo por dentro
Y ms...y ms de ti yo me enamoro
Tu eres lo que quiero
Tu eres mi tesoro.

Ave Mara, cuando sers ma
Si me quisieras, todo te dara
Ave Mara, cuando sers ma
Al mismo cielo, yo te llevara.

Sin ti me siento tan perdido
Ensame la salida, llvame siempre contigo
Protgeme con tu cario
Encindeme con tu fuego
Y ya ms nada te pido...nada te pido.

Y cuando te veo, no se lo siento
Y cuando te siento, me quemo por dentro
Y ms...y ms de ti yo me enamoro
Tu eres lo que quiero
Tu eres mi tesoro.

Ave Mara, cuando sers ma
Si me quisieras, todo te dara
Ave Mara, cuando sers ma
Al mismo cielo, yo te llevara.

Ave Mara...
Dime si sers ma...
Dmelo ya...
Ave Mara...